Saturday, August 16, 2008

our Happenins has definitely been a good while since I have updated on the happenins!! First off, we just moved into our new home a little over a month ago and absolutely love it! The reason being for moving out of our rental was because it was infested with SCORPIONS...I was finding at least two or three a week inside the house. Needless to say, every night I was having anxiety attacks worrying that my boys who love to run through our house bare foot, was going to end up in the emergency room because of stepping on one. The breaking point was when I went into my closet one afternoon to put my shoes on and a scorpion fell out, landed on my foot, and then scurried off. I have never screamed so loud and so long in my entire life, in fact now that I think about it, I had a sore throat for a good two days afterwards. Anyways, that was when I told my husband we were getting out of this arachnophobia nightmare ASAP. Luckily, we were able to get out of our lease early and found a perfect little house, bug free, and am finally enjoying feeling at ease during the night:)

Who would ever have thought that by living in Vegas it would bring out the crafty side in me, I was never the one to be sewing, painting, or heaven forbid using a hot glue gun but now, that's all I find myself doing. My new obsessions for the moment are creating vinyl lettering's for my home which I have all over the place (thanks to the fact that my mom has the most awesome vinyl letting machine) and my sis in law Melinda and I have just started getting into the craze of making those cute little headbands with the big flowers for little girls and babies..don't ask me why I'm making them since I only have boys but they are so fun to make and seriously I have been to Michael's and Joan's Fabric so many times that half the employees know me by name...hehehe...I love it! I have come to the conclusion though, that since it is so much harder(if that is even a word) to meet WHOLESOME people out here I have found myself at home much more than usual, and with all that spare time it has brought out some hidden talents that I never knew I had:)

Lastly but not least, I'm also very excited that my Dougi finally has weekends off now! Since living in Vegas he has worked every Saturday and sometimes Sunday to keep up with the demand of building casinos out here. Any who, his schedule has changed for the time being and we can finally have our Daddy home more often!! YEAH!!


Frei Family said...

Oh my gosh.. i HATE scorpions... we moved out of our last apartment beacause we found one! Now i constantly wear shoes and dump my shoes out before i put them on!! I have even taken the bed skirt off my bed! I want to make hair bows too!! you are going to have to post some pictures for all to see!!

Morgan said...

I HATE HATE them! I fell asleep on the floor at my house in high school and was stung about 5 times on my leg. (it crawled up my pant leg and stung when I moved!) I can handle spiders and bugs, to an extent, but I juts can't do scorpions. Glad you moved.

Definitely post pictures of your projects.

kat said...

I think I would have been out of that place at the first sight of a scorpion! How creepy. I'm glad you're in a new bug-free place. It reminds me of when we very first moved to St. George and we would find wolf spiders in our shoes. But thats not near as bad as scorpions.

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

We found a dead Scorpion in our garage the other day! NO FUN! But, at least it was dead! Thanks Pest Man!

Congrats on having Doug home on the weekends! I'm sure that will be awesome!

Melenie said...

EW EW EW! I'm happy to say that I have never seen a real scorpion, knock on wood. I would be screaming too, then I would be packing up to move.

My husband works weekends too, I feel your pain. I'm glad that he gets a break.

Troy and Segi said...

Im glad there are no more scorpions in your future. I cant wait to see the headbands that you made.

Emma said...

Scorpions is a total deal breaker! I would have freaked out so congrats to your new home and a good nights rest!

And posting some pics of your new talents is a must!

Carsen and Lesina said...

hey woman. you have been pretty busy well im happy to hear that you have moved out of your infested home. it's great to hear that doug finally has the weekends off as well. carsen just got the weekends off. and i love it. it sounds like you are using your time wisely. can't wait to see all your projects.

Amber said...

Hey Andrea...How are ya? Jack Johnson is AWESOME! If you ever get the chance to go, you need too!!! Anyways- it's good to hear from you, hope all is well!

Tara Wayne Malakai Maddux Kenya Alofipo said...

scorpians............yuck! im glad you got outta that! are making headbands easy? I see those everywhere and they are adorable juss don't know how to make em

Unknown said...

congrats on the new house and new schedule. I want to see some photos of your craftiness.

Becky Seymour said...

That is soooo freaky about the scorpions, I am glad you got out! I want to see your cute crafty things, you go girl! I need to start doing more stuff like that. I swear I only have time to blog, digi scrap, exercise, and read. (those are her 4 naps!) Anyways, sounds fun!

Tara Wayne Malakai Maddux Kenya Alofipo said...

hey i emailed you, i don't know if it worked or not let me know.