Thursday, May 8, 2008

some random discoveries

Can I just say I love this store!! My sister and I discovered we had a Whole Foods Market a mile away from my house and it has to be my new favorite place to shop, everything is organic even down to the root beer. The sad part about my discovery is that I haven't been able to try the food that I've bought because my trainer wanted me to go on the Master Cleanse diet. I started the cleanse on Monday and it consists of only drinking a mixture of fresh squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. I was supposed to do the cleanse for seven days but only lasted four so I ended it tonight because I was getting so sick of that drink (but lost 8lbs) . All I know is that I'm super excited to go shopping there tomorrow and finally get to eat the food that I buy!

Also, I just discovered that my boys absolutely love these nuts, they are soy nuts that I bought from the Whole Foods market. The soy nuts are super healthy for you and high in fiber and seriously they eat it like it's popcorn. It's always nice to find a healthier snack that my boys will eat rather than feeding them cheezits all day long!


jaesi said...

I need that cleanse. maybe after i stopped nursing.
soynuts are yummy! That store looks awesome.

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

Oh how I am jealous! I went to a Whole Foods down in Vegas w/ my Aunt and FELL in love! I so wish we had one here (yeah right - in St.G). It gets so challenging to buy good healthy food sometimes. I'm jealous!

Amber said...

Hey Andrea, will let me know what you did for the cleanse. I would love to do that, and start fresh. Anyways- let me know. And you definately need to start reading TWIGHTLIGHT!! It is definately one of my favorite past times. I might start reading it again, because the fourth book comes out in August, and I want to re-read them before then. The only problem with the books, are that they are addicting, and you end up reading 2100 pages in like a week! lol. seriously!

Jess said...

Yes, Tell us more about this cleanse!!

Boo and Sara said...

I am also a fan of Whole Foods. I will have to try the soy nuts. The cleanse sounds like a good idea I just don't think I have the will power.

jenbulkley said...

Ok cleanses are awesome, but you do not need to lose any weight girl!

Frei Family said...

I remember in beauty school a lot of the girls did that cleanse... it is really not tasty.. But definetly kicks it all out of you!! Your little boys are so cute, i love the pictures in their hats!!


Hey Andrea- Congrats on not being prego!!! LOL. Its good to talk to you again! Your kids are so cute!! It looks like you have a crazy time with those 2 boys!!! I cant wait!!!

kat said...

Cheezits are my healthy snack. Better than chocolate and ice cream at least. I will have to check Whole Foods out. And why are you on some crazy diet? You look great!

Morgan said...

Just came across your blog. You have seriously gotten more gorgeous as we have all gotten older! Your family is pretty too!

I was first introduced to Whole Foods when I moved to Connecticut. Love it!!

Whitney and Chris said...

Chris tried that same cleanse a few months ago but misunderstood the cheyenne pepper instructions and ended up taking WAY, WAY too much! The poor kid was miserable! He would have to sit in a cold bath after going to the bathroom becuase he was on fire! Probably too much info, but it was kind of funny!!:) Needless to say, he only lasted four days on it. I'm pretty sure he won't try it again! Everything in Whole Foods is delicious! One of many new stores St. George is in need of!